Celebration of Trndez (Candlemas Day)

On February 14, 40 days after Christmas, Armenian Apostolic Church and all Armenians celebrate “Tearnyndaraj” (Candlemas Day) or as people like to call it – Terndez. According to the Gospel 40 days after the birth of Christ Mary and Joseph took the baby to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord and to consecrate to the temple. They met an old man named Simon who had asked God to give him a long life so that he could see the son of God. Hence, the holiday was created and named “Tearnyndaraj”, which means “to come to meet the Lord, the Christ”. The name “Trndez” or “Terndez” is accepted among people. It means “the Lord is with you”.
The newlyweds are especially looking forward to the holiday as Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II announced the holiday of “Tearnyndaraj” as the day of the newlyweds blessing. The celebrations begin in the evening of the 13th of February as according to church calendar new day begins after the evening divine service when the fields and gardens are blessed. Then a festive bonfire is made in the churchyard.
The right of making fire belongs only to the newly married couples who got married that year. After that the couples jump over the fire. The presents light their candles by the candle burning in the church, return home and make bonfires with that light in their yard as during consecrating Christ to the temple people came to meet him with lamps. After the holiday liturgy in the morning of the 14th of February the ceremony of the blessing of the newly married couples takes place in all churches to reinforce their love and loyalty alliance. According to the tradition of the holiday of “Trndez” it is accepted to visit the newlyweds taking presents for them.

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