Martakert Region

wedding-in-karabakhMartakert is the region of Nagorno Karabakh with the center of the same name Martakert. In the suburbs of Martakert, there have been discovered lots of fascinating resembling human being stone idols of pagan époque, stone sarcophagus, capitals of pagan temples. During the Karabakh-Azerbaijan conflict Martakert was occupied and was under the control of Azeri army. The region is divided by Tartar River the longest river in Nk with the Sarsang reservoir on the river.


A precious piece of information about the head of John the Baptist found itself in the Gandzasar monastery reached us thanks to the medieval historian Movses Kalankatvatsi. The story narrates that under the holy table is buried the head of John the Baptist that explains the name of the monastery: Gandzasar – “treasure mountain”. The Holy Bible tells us the story of King Herod that had given an order to chop off the head of John the Baptist as a present to Salome, daughter of Herodiada, who danced for Herod and his honorable guests. After the woman got the head on a tray – a big stone had fallen and destroyed the house of hers. The sacred head first was found by 2 hermits as a bright light was in a place where the head was. Those hermits wandered around curing people. Then
a beggar saw John the Baptist in his dream who told him to take the head from the hermits, who were at that time sleeping in the cave, and go away and he would live a rich life. The beggar put the sacred head into a chest and started healing many obsesses and sick people.
North mentioning is Sarsang Reservoir – the only large body of water in Artsakh. The distance from Stepanakert is only 133km. The Sarsang Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), situated on Tartar River, is the largest source of energy in the NK. The construction of the HPP was initiated in the 1970-s and lasted for 5 years. The station’s power is about 30 megawatt. The height of dam is 125m; the area of water is The overall area is surrounded by high mountains, thick forests, architectural and historical monuments. Among the places of interest are Kolatak-historical monuments (9-18th century.), Tsmakahogh – the ruins, cross-stone,.several churches of 13th century, Arajadzor-church, Gyoulatagh-fortress, Jraberd-the ruins of the samenamefirtress
of the Middle Ages and etc.

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