The Armenian statehood was lost with the fall of the Cilician Kingdom in 1375. Only six centuries later it was revitalized and turned into the First Republic of Armenia. The decision about the creation of the independent statehood of Armenia was adopted by the National Council on May 28, 1918. Avetis Aharonyan, the president of the National Council, proclaimed the Declaration of Independence of Armenia, and the First Republic of Armenia was proclaimed in a territory of 12000 sq. km. The May of 1918 is an important month for Armenians. It is connected with the heroic battles of May, when the Armenian forces were struggling in Sardarapat, Bash-Aparan and Gharaqilisa. It was the heroic battles of May that were the bases of the First Republic of Armenia.
The First Republic lasted for 2 years and a half, till November 29 of 1920, when the military units of the Russian 11th Red Army entered Armenia. 3 days later, the Soviet Socialistic Republic of Armenia (or the Second Republic of Armenia) was proclaimed. Today, when the Third Republic of Armenia is 20 years old, we still celebrate May 28, as the birth of the First Republic, as the day of independence. On the occasion of it festive concerts are organized, films and reviews about it are shown on TV, fireworks are set off in the evening.