Тип: Народный праздник
Даты проведения: 98 день после Пасхи
Место проведения։ Армения
Ответственный: Правительственная комиссия
Вардавар – один из пяти главных праздников Армянской Апостольской Церкви. Праздник имеет тысячелетнюю историю. Это один из самых любимых праздников нашего народа, посвященный богине любви и красоты Астхик. В эти дни армяне розами украшали статую богини Астхик, храмы, посвященные ей, дарили друг другу розы и брызгали друг на друга воду. Последняя традиция сохранилась по сей день.
Сегодня праздник отмечается спустя 98 дней после Святой Пасхи: в интервале от 28 июня по 1 августа. Христианское учение интерпретирует праздник как Преображение Христово, как символ очищенного, обоготворенного человека. Как день освящения винограда считается днем первой дегустации винограда, так и Вардавар считается днем первой дегустации яблока. Вы можете совместить участие на Вардаваре с посещением достопримечательностей Армении в рамках пакета “Тур в Армению на выходные”.
This article is reposted from the Regional Post Magazine N1-2016. Interview of Karen Antashyan the founder of Barev Armenia travel company. Introduction Inbound tourism market of independent Armenia has experienced significant changes during the recent 25 years. Initially, during the first decade of independence tourism was out of question, as the war and the economic collapse following […]
The post Regional Post Caucasus. Inbound tourism market of independent Armenia appeared first on Travel Armenia Blog.
This article is reposted from the Regional Post Magazine N1-2016. Interview of Karen Antashyan the founder of Barev Armenia travel company. Introduction Inbound tourism market of independent Armenia has experienced significant changes during the recent 25 years. Initially, during the first decade of independence tourism was out of question, as the war and the economic collapse following …
The post Regional Post Caucasus. Inbound tourism market of independent Armenia appeared first on Travel Armenia Blog.
40 days after Christmas, Armenian Apostolic Church of all Armenians celebrate “Tyarnyndaraj” (Candlemas Day) or also known among people as “Terndez”, which means “The Lord is with you”. According to Gospel, 40 days after the birth of Christ Mary and Joseph took the baby to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord and consecrate to the temple. They met an old […]
The post Celebration of Terndez Candlemas appeared first on Travel Armenia Blog.
40 days after Christmas, Armenian Apostolic Church of all Armenians celebrate “Tyarnyndaraj” (Candlemas Day) or also known among people as “Terndez”, which means “The Lord is with you”. According to Gospel, 40 days after the birth of Christ Mary and Joseph took the baby to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord and consecrate to the temple. They met an old …
The post Celebration of Terndez Candlemas appeared first on Travel Armenia Blog.
Guest post provided by PoliLingua Translation Services With 7 million native speakers, Armenian is the official language of the Republic of Armenia and the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. It is widely spoken by Armenian communities around the globe, and in Iran, Cyprus, Poland, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria in particular. It has its own script – the alphabet […]
The post Armenian Language appeared first on Travel Armenia Blog.
Guest post provided by PoliLingua Translation Services With 7 million native speakers, Armenian is the official language of the Republic of Armenia and the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. It is widely spoken by Armenian communities around the globe, and in Iran, Cyprus, Poland, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria in particular. It has its own script – the alphabet …
The post Armenian Language appeared first on Travel Armenia Blog.
In the recent years Armenia has started to have the experience of offering rural tour packages to the tourists visiting the country. Rural tours in Armenia means hiking, camping, bird watching, fishing, biking, mountain climbing, horse riding, cooking and eating with the local people, harvesting and milking cows and many more…Tastes differ – you only need to […]
The post Regional partnership promotes rural tourism appeared first on Travel Armenia Blog.
In the recent years Armenia has started to have the experience of offering rural tour packages to the tourists visiting the country. Rural tours in Armenia means hiking, camping, bird watching, fishing, biking, mountain climbing, horse riding, cooking and eating with the local people, harvesting and milking cows and many more…Tastes differ – you only need to …
The post Regional partnership promotes rural tourism appeared first on Travel Armenia Blog.